Going Deeper: Joy in the Journey Week 1: Who is on the journey?

Read Philippians 1:1-5
What stands out to you from this introduction? Why?

Paul said he remembers  the Philippians  with JOY.  Acts 16  tells the story of Paul coming to Philippi and  Meeting Lydia, the slave girl, and the jailer. Having only been to Philippi a few times, these three had to be important to Paul. They made an impact on his life and they made a huge impact on their community.

Thinking back in your life, who has made an impact that when you remember them, you remember with JOY?

What is it about that person that makes you feel that way?

Read   First Timothy  1:1-14

What parts of the scripture stand out to you?
Can you see yourself in this description and encouragements?

Going Deeper

Reading this, what parts of your life with Christ are missing?

What can you do about those missing parts?

Would these thing help bring joy into your life?

DO you have stories to tell about what God has done through you that make you excited?

This is not about guilt or shame, this is about looking deep inside and realizing what in your life is stealing your Joy. As you think about these things,  ask yourself what action step can you take to make that change.  As you can see through Paul's example, being part of peoples lives and experiencing their growth  brings great joy. The joy is not about you, but about what God has done through you.

What is going saying to you right now?

Take a minute to sit in silence and ponder these things. Ask God to use you to create joy in the lives of others.

Close your time with prayer
Lord God, you are the creator of everything, you created me and said i am beautifully and wonderfully made. Please help me to use myself as a light to the world around me. Help me to bring the joy of knowing you to others. Let my actions, words and decisions be glorifying to you that we can experience the joy that only you can give.....