Going Deeper:  Joy in the journey week 2- The Journey Continues

As a group read Phil 1:6-11 out loud

                As you listen, pay attention to what word or phrase stands out to you?
Read it out load again, focusing on whatever word or phrase that stood out to you and see what God is trying to say to you.

                Share your thoughts with the group.

Paul said “that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.” Although some thought the end was coming in their lifetime, Paul was looking at the bigger, more divine picture.

“It was Paul’s way of making two emphases: sanctification was an ongoing process and the process would continue to the end of the age. At that time the believers would be complete in character. They needed not to fear the judgment which characterized that day."1

Considering these thoughts…
The above thought applies to the universal church.
God will complete the good work he has started.

If Paul was alive today, what do you think he would think about the progress towards completion in the church today?

                What can we do as people and as a church to to come closer to  being “complete in Character”?

Pastor Chad asked two questions for application.

  • Are we motivated to succeed?      If so what helps you become and stay motivated?
                What barriers or hindrances can discourage you from being motivated?
  • Are we aware that what appears a hopeless goal is in reality a guaranteed outcome?
                How does that statement make you feel?

Knowing that God will complete his good work, and knowing that the outcome is guaranteed, Paul prays that “our love may abound”. As you look at love, knowledge, and truth…

                Looking back in time, how do you see these three working together in your personal life?
What part of your life do you need to grow in love, knowledge and truth?

Are you willing to trust  that God he will “ will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ”?

Pray for God to help you trust him as you grow in love, knowledge and truth.

1. Richard R. Melick, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, vol. 32, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1991), 59.