Going Deeper:  Joy in the journey week 3-
Joy in the struggles of life

Small Group Questions Week 3
As you read the following scripture consider Paul 's situation in jail.  As you hear the text, hear it through the ears of someone who is worried about Paul and hasn’t heard anything since his  imprisonment.
Someone in the group Read Philippians 1:12-18a out loud. (if this is a personal study use a bible app to hear it out loud)

What are you thinking about Paul’s circumstances? Are you excited, worried, think he is a little crazy?

Now hear the scripture again from the perspective of one of your past or current struggles.
How did that change what you heard? 
What encouragement did you get from Paul’s example?

Paul is excited that the Gospel is advancing, through, not despite his circumstances. Some preach out of good will and others preach out of jealousy. Paul doesn’t care as long as the gospel is being shared. He is even rejoicing because of the spread of the good news.

Do you have a story where you saw God work in the midst of your troubles, through your struggles?
Can you look back and see that God has worked through your past struggles?

One thing that Paul understood, or recognized is that God is good …. regardless of what mess you or the world are part of. In 2 Ti 2:9–10  Paul says ”And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained. 10 So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.”

Paul said he is willing to endure ANYTHING for Christ, and his track record backs it up.
What do you think brought Paul to this point in his journey?
Why do you think Paul was able to truly rejoices in all things

Do you want that?

What aspects or practices that brought Paul to this point in his  journey do you see present in your life?
What is missing?
What can you do to add these things in your journey in a way that is sustainable?
What is one thing you are going to work/focus on this week?

Pray that God will help you with that one thing and that he would show you how to rejoice in all things.